A fun quiz game specifically created for 11+ preparation
Level 1
Help your child succeed in verbal reasoning exams
A fun quiz game to play with friends and family with clear, child-friendly questions and answers.
Designed to complement the use of flash cards and practice papers, the quiz game covers a wide range of vocabulary knowledge in a simple and easy to play format, including:
odd one out
multiple meanings
verbal classification
general knowledge
Children love playing games! Use the quiz game to offer a welcome break from practice papers and revitalise young minds by adding variety and fun to 11+ preparation.
The verbal classification section of the 11+ requires children to spot the links between words. Does your child know their oboe from their tuba? Can they quickly link canine to dog, herbivore to plants, or parliament to owls? Can they spot those tricky words spelt the same but pronounced differently?
The game can be played anywhere, so it’s perfect for trips in the car, visits to relatives, or simply as a reward for completing a practice paper.
Each pack comes in a durable plastic box and contains:
100 question and answer cards
Card explaining how to play the game, and how to make extra questions
Key features
Simple, child-friendly questions on the front
Answers on the back
Definitions/explanations are provided for the answer to help develop understanding of the question type
Improves verbal classification knowledge with questions on instruments, colours, male/female/young animals . . .
Challenging ‘riddle’ questions to test knowledge of words with multiple meanings
All questions have been created from recognised 11+ material and feedback from tutors and schools
NEW FOR 2021
Farquhar’s complete set of 6 packs now comes in its own box – keeping all your vocabulary preparation in one place!
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